What are Canadian values

Canadians are proud of Canada and its reputation around the world.Canadians value equality, respect, safety, peace, nature – and we love our hockey!Equality
In law, women and men are equal in Canada. Canada was one of the first countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Canadian law protects the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a key piece of the Canadian legal system. Canadians see the Charter as an important part of Canadian values.Respect for different cultures
Indigenous peoples were the first to welcome newcomers to what we now call Canada. Today, many Canadians (about 1 in 5) were born in other parts of the world. Many more have parents and grandparents who were not born in Canada. People bring their cultures and traditions to Canada with them. Together we hope to build communities that celebrate our differences as well as what we have in common.Safety and peace
Canada is a safe country with very low crime rates. Canadians are proud of Canada’s many roles with the United Nations, international aid agencies and with international peacekeeping missions around the world. Nature
Canada is the second largest country in the world. Many of the world’s greatest natural wonders are in Canada (the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, the Bay of Fundy, the Rocky Mountains, and the Arctic in the far north). Respect for the environment is an important part of what Canadians value.Being polite
Canadians are polite. We wait in lines. We say sorry if you bump in to us. We hold doors open for you. We like that we are polite.Hockey
Hockey may not be the official sport of Canada but it is the sport that most Canadians feel most passionate about. Hockey is played on backyard ice rinks, in local community centres and in stadiums that seat thousands. Hockey is played by any and all genders from the ages of 3-4 to seniors. Hockey is an important part of local communities.To learn more, visit Refugees, Immigration and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)


Majority of Canadians maintain positive views of immigration, new survey finds

April 30,2019
Stephen Smith

A majority of Canadians continue to hold positive views of immigration and few see immigrants and refugees as one of the country’s most pressing national concerns, a new Environics Institute survey has found.
The findings of the public opinion research institute’s Spring 2019 Focus Canada survey found that Canadians’ views on immigration and refugees have “held remarkably steady” since its previous study in October 2018.

The survey is conducted every six months and interviews a sample of 2,000 Canadians about their views on immigration and refugees.

“As has been the case most of the past two decades, positive sentiments outweigh negative ones on such questions as the overall level of immigration, its positive impact on the economy, its low impact on crime rates, and the impact on the country as a whole,” the survey found.

The survey found issues like the economy, the environment/climate change and poor government leadership to be of greater concern to Canadians.

“By comparison, immigration and refugee concerns remain well down the list,” it reported, noting that only three per cent of Canadians identified them as the most important issues facing the country today.

The survey noted that it comes amid the “increasingly heated political rhetoric” around the influx of more than 40,000 asylum seekers into Canada via unofficial entry points along its border with the United States.

The governing Liberal Party of Canada has faced heavy criticism from its political opponents, and the Conservative Party of Canada in particular, over its handling of the situation and many observers feel it could be an issue in the federal election scheduled for this fall.

The survey found, however, that only three per cent of Conservative Party of Canada supporters consider immigrants and refugees to be the top issue facing the country.

The results contrasted a new Gallup survey of public opinion in the United States that put immigration second only to government/poor leadership as the top concern there.

Find out if you are eligible for any Canadian immigration programs

Too much immigration? 59% say no
On certain questions, public opinion on immigration even improved slightly from where it had been in October 2018.

This was the case when respondents were asked if “overall, there is too much immigration in Canada”: 59 per cent disagreed with the statement, up from 58 per cent in October 2018. Just over a third of Canadians agreed with it.

Source: Environics Institute

Canadians living in the four provinces of Atlantic Canada and the province of British Columbia were found to have the most positive outlook on immigration, with 64 per cent of respondents in both regions disagreeing with the idea there is too much immigration to Canada. This was an increase of seven points in Atlantic Canada over the fall.

Attitudes on the economic impact of immigration also improved slightly, from 76 per cent last October to 77 per cent this month.

“Canadians’ level of comfort with immigration is grounded on the belief that it is good for the country’s economy, and this perspective held steady over the past six months,” the institute reported.

This view was strongest in Ontario, where nearly 80 per cent of respondents agreed with the statement “overall, immigration has a positive impact on the economy of Canada.”

The province where attitudes to this statement were weakest was Alberta, where 70 per cent of respondents agreed that immigration is having a positive economic effect on the country.

Age, education, income affect attitudes
Attitudes differed according to age, education and income level, with younger Canadians, university-educated Canadians and those who consider their income to be “adequate” or better expressing more positive views of immigration.

Canadians over the age of 60, those without a high school diploma and Canadians who say they are struggling financially were more likely to hold more negative views.

Differences were also clear between supporters of Canada’s various federal political parties.

Three-quarters of Liberal Party and Green Party supporters disagreed that immigration levels are too high and the numbers reached 89 per cent and 84 per cent, respectively, when it came to the economic benefits of immigration.

Among New Democratic Party supporters, 86 per cent agreed that immigration has a positive economic impact.

Just under half (49 per cent) of Conservative Party of Canada supporters said immigration levels were too high, but this was down three points from October 2018. However, two-thirds of Conservative supporters agreed that immigration benefits Canada’s economy.

Integration remains a concern
The survey found Canadians are almost equally divided when it comes to views on whether immigrants are adopting Canadian values after their arrival. Just over half of Canadians (51 per cent) believe immigrants are not fully integrating compared to 42 per cent who disagreed.

Source: Environics Institute

The percentage of respondents who felt immigrants aren’t integrating declined by 10 points in Atlantic Canada, to 41 per cent, and also dropped in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, to 46 per cent, reversing an upward trend. The provinces where this concern was found to be highest were Quebec (56 per cent) and Alberta (55 per cent).

Just over half of Canadians (53 per cent) agree, however, that immigrants tend to work harder than people born in Canada and the 32 per cent who disagree with this viewpoint marked a decline of seven points from October 2018.

On the overall impact of immigration, the Environics Institute said Canadians lean toward a positive viewpoint, with 45 per cent saying immigration is making Canada a better place and only 15 per cent saying it is making Canada worse.

A third of Canadians believe immigration “has made no real difference either way” and seven per cent had no opinion.

Canadians, however, are much more in agreement when it comes to their perception of how welcoming Canada is for immigrants.

Source: Environics Institute

The Environics Institute found that eight in 10 Canadians said immigrants are made to feel very or somewhat welcome by public agencies in their community and by the local population.

This view was spread evenly across the country “with little variation by region,” the survey found.

Canadian opinions on refugees improved in the six months since October 2018, with only 37 per cent now agreeing with the statement “most people claiming to be refugees are not real refugees.” This marked a decline of four percentage points and is the lowest level found since survey’s introduction in 1987.

Nearly eight in 10 respondents said refugees are made to feel very or somewhat welcome by the local population.


Nigerians Will Benefit Immensely From 2019 Budget, Says Saraki

By Augustine Akhilomen

Senate President, Bukola Saraki has assured that Nigerians would benefit immensely from the 2019 Appropriation Bill.

On Tuesday, the Upper Chamber passed the 2019 budget of N8.91trillion into law, with an increase from the proposed budget of N8.83trillion presented by President Muhammadu Buhari.

Zainab Aliyu: We’ll Continue To Fight For Release Of Other Nigerians – Shehu Sani

By Augustine Akhilomen

Senator representing Kaduna Central in the National Assembly, Shehu Sani has commended the Federal Government for its efforts in ensuring the release of Zainab Aliyu from Saudi prison.

Zainab, who has been on detention since December 26, 2018 over for drug related offence by the Saudi authorities, was released on Tuesday after investigation revealed that the drugs was planted in her luggage by unknown person…..

UBEC Chairman, Mahmood, Daughter Set Free

By Augustine Akhilomen

Reports reaching Thepledge have it that the Chairman of the Board of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC),Muhammed Mahmood and his daughter have regained freedom from the hands of their abductors.

FG Secures Release Of Another Nigerian, Ibrahim Abubakar

The Federal Government has confirmed that they have secured the release of another Nigerian lady, Ibrahim Abubakar, arrested for alleged drug related offence in Saudi Arabia.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said during a news conference in Abuja on Tuesday that Abubakar would be released on Wednesday to the Nigerian Mission in Saudi Arabia.

How Evil Spirit Made Me Rape Minor, Says Suspect

20 –year- old Sagir Umar has been arrested for raping a four- year- old girl, claiming he was pushed into the act by evil spirits.

It was learnt that Umar lured the victim into his room with N10 in Abdulsalam quarters in Minna where he forcefully had carnal knowledge of her.

Can Ajax Stun Tottenham To Reach Champions League Final?

By Augustine Akhilomen

Ajax may have never been regarded as one of the ‘underdog’ teams to reach the semi final of the UEFA Champions League at the start of the competition, considering the caliber of players in their disposal. However, the team have proved football pundits wrong with some sterling results against ‘football giants’ such as reigning champions, Real Madrid and Juventus.

However, like the saying that when the going get tougher, the tough gets going’, a statement the young and enterprising Ajax squad will want to prove in tonight’s (Tuesday) UEFA Champions League first leg semi final clash against Tottenham Hotspur at Tottenham Stadium.

Access Bank Calls For Improved Approach To SDGs

Leaders and stakeholders in the financial industry at Access Bank sustainability summit called for an improved approach to the attainment of the 18 Sustainable Development Goals.

The summit held at Access Bank headquarters in Victoria Island, Lagos was themed ‘Financing Sustainable Development’.

Australian Cricketer Jailed Five Years For UK Rape

An Australian cricketer who raped a woman he found “dozing” in his teammate’s bedroom has been jailed for five years by an English court.

Alex Hepburn, 23, was convicted after an attack he carried out during the first night of a sexual conquest “game” he helped to set up on a WhatsApp group.

Annie Idibia, Pero Adeniyi In War Of Words

Annie Idibia and Pero Adeniyi have shared cryptic posts on Instagram which seem to be directed at each other.

Both women made peace last November during a show and hugged it out in front of their baby daddy, Tuface, after years of animosity (read here and here). But the peace seems to be short-lived as they are already throwing shades at each other on Instagram.

US To Declare Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists

The Trump administration is working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organisation, the White House said on Tuesday.

The designation will bring economic and travel sanctions against Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement, with more than a million members across the Middle East.

Tiwa Savage Acquires Customised N60m Car

Media personality, Azuka Ogujiuba, has revealed that pop musician, Tiwa Savage’s customised car cost her N60 million.

The journalist also revealed that the mother of one paid N15 million to clear the vehicle in an Instagram post on Tuesday.

Venezuela Denies Military Coup Underway, Blames White House

Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Tuesday denied there was a military coup underway to oust President Nicolas Maduro and accused opposition leader Juan Guaido of operating under orders from Washington.

“It is not a coup attempt from the military. This is directly planned in Washington, in the Pentagon and Department of State, and by (National Security Adviser John) Bolton,” Arreaza told Reuters in a phone interview.

Florida Woman Posted Man’s Nudes To Social Media In Brazen Extortion Attempt

A Florida woman hacked into a man’s social media accounts and then “maliciously posted” nude photos of him in a twisted extortion plot, officials said.

Breyanna Dean, 24, was arrested Saturday in Port Richey after she demanded the unidentified man fork over money to take down the X-rated content, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office said.

Senate Passes 2019 Appropriation Bill Into Law

By Augustine Akhilomen

The Senate on Tuesday have passed the 2019 Appropriation Bill of N8.91trillion into law.

The upper chamber passed the new budget after Danjuma Goje, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, presented the report of the committee on the floor of the house.

Zainab Aliyu Finally Regains Freedom

By Augustine Akhilomen

The Saudi government has released Nigerian lady, Zainab Aliyu, who was arrested over drug-related offence.

This was confirmed by the Nigeria mission in Saudi after investigation revealed that the drugs was planted in her luggage by unknown persons.


Canadian Immigration News

Ontario pauses application intake for two Employer Job Offer streams

Written by The CanadaVisa Team on 29 April 2019

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will no longer be accepting new applications under the Employer Job Offer: International Student and Foreign Worker streams as of April 26, 2019.

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) said it is necessary to pause the intake of applications for the Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream and Foreign Worker Stream due to a significant rise in the number submitted this year compared to previous years.

The category’s In-Demand Skills Stream, however, remains open to applicants.

The OINP cites the “limited nomination allocation” as the reason for its decision to pause the intake of applications for both streams. The OINP will continue to monitor the number of applications submitted across all streams and said it is possible that the paused streams could reopen later in 2019.

The OINP’s provincial nomination allocation for 2019 is set at 6,900 new immigration candidates.

The province had asked the Government of Canada for an allocation increase to 7,600 nominations for 2019 in order to meet a growing demand for foreign talent among employers in the province. The requested allocation would have been 1,000 additional nominations over its 2018 provincial allocation of 6,600.

Ontario’s Employer Job Offer Category
The OINP Employer Job Offer Category provides skilled workers who have a full-time, permanent job offer in the province with a pathway to Canadian permanent residence.

The category’s International Student Stream is geared toward international students in Canada or living outside the country who have completed studies at an eligible Canadian educational institution and who have a valid job offer in a full-time and permanent position in the province.

Foreign workers inside Canada or outside who have a valid job offer in Ontario and who meet all other eligibility criteria may apply for the Foreign Worker Stream.

For both streams, the job offer must be in an occupation classified under Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B.

The OINP has other immigration categories that do not require a job offer in the province.

For example, streams in the OINP’s Express Entry-linked Human Capital Category and its two International Graduate streams are available to candidates who do not have a job offer in Ontario at the time of applying.

For more information on the OINP’s immigration streams, visit our dedicated Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) page.

Find out if you are eligible for any of Ontario’s immigration streams

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Burna Boy and lover, Steflon Don Next Level

By Aanu Damilare

Burna Boy and girlfriend; Steflon Don are really having a good moment together as a couple as well as experimenting and seeking adventures together in places that suit their fantasy.

The two lovebirds were seen at a stripper’s club in the United States recently raining thousands upon thousands of dollars on stripper’s who were getting them really entertained with their sexual and sultry display.

It is good to have the knowledge that both lovers have a working relationship and an understanding of the fantasies of each other and how well they have been able to come to a mutual agreement on them.


It is quite well known that it’s not all women that can stand the effontery of their lovers having great pleasure as a result of looking at the sexual display of another woman.

According to our source, Stef’s relationship was made known to the public earlier in the year when a video of the British female singer and rapper sleeping on the chest of the “African Giant” Oluwa Burna ,got its way to the internet.

Aside that, both singers have been seen hanging out together on numerous occassions as well as Burna speaking of the sexy curvy singer in a romantic fashion in his interviews.

ERIEC -The event tagged Smart Connections

ERIEC is dedicated to ensuring immigrants are welcomed and participate in the economy to their full potential. Foreign-trained, experienced professionals now making the Edmonton region their home want to contribute their skills to our economy – but many lack the local knowledge needed for a successful job search.

ERIEC provides a unique and effective bridge between employers’ labour needs and globally trained new residents so they can work to their full potential.

SmartConnections is a model which helps Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) in creating sustainable career paths, whether within or outside their field of expertise.

ERIEC usually offers these sessions once or twice a year. This 3 hour event:

Increases IEPs knowledge of specialized sector-specific Canadian workplace opportunities;
Connects them directly to employer representatives from the local labour market who present the skills required to succeed in the sector;
Enables low ratio discussion and self assessment of core competencies needed for success in the sector;
Provides vital skills about how to repackage themselves to find and apply for a successful alternate/temporary career path while pursuing re-certification.
SmartConnections assists IEPs to find employment at a level commensurate with their skills and experience while providing social benefits through increased economic stability for their families.

Employers benefit from connecting with some of the international talent currently available in Edmonton and the global perspectives these professionals can bring to our market place.

This is a fantastic learning and networking event hosted by ERIEC at no charge and is open to internationally educated professionals with any background (Permanent Residents and Canadian Citizens)!

Smart Connections May 30, 2019 – Registration Open!

Date: Thursday, May 30th 2019
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (Program starts at 9:00 am)
Where: Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Avenue, Edmonton Alberta


Part 1: Nailing the Networking Event

Presenter: Jeannie Vaage, VIP Protocol

Jeannie Vaage is a certified corporate and international protocol consultant. She is a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington DC, the only nationally accredited business etiquette, image and international protocol school in North America. Her training is recognized by Fortune 500 corporations, governments, academia, and private consultants around the world.

Part 2: The Hiring Process – Panel Discussion

The panelists will talk about the steps that event attendees should consider that will help their applications get noticed.


Allie Clarke – Government of Alberta
Aly Moorji – City of Edmonton
Sumira Duggal – Canadian Western Bank
Tonya Holowitski – Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA Alberta)
Violet Poon – Edmonton HR Cluster – Moderator

This 3 hour event provides vital skills about how to repackage yourself to leverage your career!

To register, and if you have any questions, please contact Elena at echernaeva@eriec.ca or 780-707-8493.


President of the Senate, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, has been appointed as an “Ambassador-at-Large” of the Internatidownload (2)onal Human Rights Commission (IHRC).

In a letter dated March 16, 2019, Ambassador Friday Sani, the Diplomatic Head of the Commission to Nigeria and other African Countries, stated that sequel to the approval of the World Secretary General of the IHRC, Dr. Saraki has been appointed as one of the revered Ambassadors-at-Large of the multinational body.

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It reads, “While our role as a regional body is to promote and encourage institutions and persons to uphold human dignity across the world, we must not fail to mention the commendation of our Nigerian team over your resolute efforts in the stability of your country and your firm leadership of the Nigerian Senate which is adjudged to be among the most proactive parliaments across the world.

“Besides, the Commission is not unmindful of the maturity that you recently displayed in the face of an obvious provocation in your constituency during the last Presidential and National Assembly elections,” Ambassador Sani said in the letter.

In the new capacity, Dr. Saraki is expected to lead the diplomatic team of the IHRC in various diplomatic missions across the world.

The Senate President has accepted the nomination of the Commission, while also expressing his appreciation to the IHRC for his nomination.

African needs to tell their story…Akon in video. Akon,his from Senegal,Africa,a successful international musical artiste lives in America .

This video doesn’t exist