Chieftaincy Clash, two killed,house burnt… 

As FG deploys Airforce Surveillance Aircraft toward ensuring that terrorists plot to bomb Abuja Fails.

Authorities of the FCT Police Command on Christmas day disclosed that only two persons were confirmed dead in Hausa/Gbagi community clash that engulfed the Bwari district of Abuja over Chieftaincy dispute.

According to a senior Police officer, the Chieftaincy dispute between the Gbagi people who are the original indigenes of the Bwari became protracted when the Hausa community settlers maneuvered and appointed an emir for Bwari.

He said that prior to the clash, efforts had been on by the FCT authorities to resolve the matter before tempers flared and it snowballed into the conflict.

While noting that normalcy has been restored and police personnel deployed to the area to ensure calm and prevent further clashes, the senior police officer said all attempts made by miscreant to touch banks, the Jamb Center and the Nigerian Law School Complex were prevented.

Asked if the clash had anything to do with terror alert for which security agencies have been working round the clock to prevent, the officer said there was no correlation whatsoever.

He hinted Vanguard that towards ensuring the plot of the terrorists to bomb Abuja did not see the light of the day; the Nigerian Airforce has deployed surveillance aircraft patrols in and around the FCT for aerial and ground synergy with the 400-man joint security outfit put in place to checkmate the threat.

Areas of focus particularly as the Christmas celebrations begins are the parks like the Millennium Park, the Amusement Parks in Maitama, Jabi, Garki, Asokoro, Churches and places of worship all over the FCT and shopping malls adding that “We carry out daily sweeping of these places by experts from the Explosive Ordinance Deportment (EOD) randomly.

It’s a shame Nigerians are celebrating Xmas in discomfort – Osinbajo 

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has admitted that it is a shame Christmas celebration in Nigeria has so far been characterised by discomfort caused by the lingering fuel scarcity.

His Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Laolu Akande, in a statement on Monday morning quoted the Vice President as speaking during the interactions he had with some people keeping vigil at two filling stations in Lagos.

Osinbajo was said to have made surprise appearances at Oando Filling Station in Lekki and Hayden Petrol Station, Victoria Island.

“It’s such a shame that Christmas has been, to some extent, with this sort of discomfort.

“This is deeply regretted, and l know that, despite the resilience and strength of people in Lagos and the Nigerian people, we would see ourselves through this and will enjoy our Christmas and have a great new year,” he was quoted as telling those who were on queue to buy the scarce commodity.

He said the Federal Government was moving as quickly as it could to solve the fuel crisis and reduce the difficulties Nigerians were facing as a result.

He added, “We are trying to move as quickly as we can. Obviously, people have gone through a lot of pain and anguish in the past few days, and that is deeply regretted.

“We are trying to do what we can to move as quickly as possible and there is certainly enough products to be able to solve the problem.

“We will be able to solve the problem; the short period of scarcity is quite a bit of burden, but we know that so long as products are enough and the trucks coming out and feeding the stations, this will be over very soon.

“I am going around with the Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources here in Lagos to ensure that first, the trucks are being loaded from all the depots, and also looking at the filling stations to see that things are moving on very well.

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“The GMD of the NNPC is also working in Abuja to see that things are moving quickly and we are moving around the country. So we expect that it will be resolved very quickly.”

Osinbajo later took to his social media accounts to announce that he witnessed firsthand the discomfort Nigerians have been experiencing during his visits to the filling stations.

He assured Nigerians that the government is working hard to end their pains as soon as possible.

He added that President Muhammadu Buhari had mandated all those concerns to bring an end to the situation.

Osinbajo wrote, “Christmas is a time of cheer, joy, and hope for the coming New Year. Many people would love to be around their families, but regrettably, cannot because of the inadequacies in the fuel supply in different parts of the nation.

“This is something that President Buhari is deeply concerned about, mandating all relevant persons to bring an end to the fuel queues.

“I witnessed first-hand the discomfort that many of us have to contend with. We sympathise with you and we are working assiduously to eliminate this pain in the shortest possible time.

“We regret this inconvenience while assuring you that all hands are on deck to return things to normalcy.

“I do hope that you still find time to reflect on the miracle of Christmas to lift your spirit and that of your family. God bless you and God bless our great nation.”