By‘Wale Williams-Smith

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba AbdulRasheed Akanbi, has commended the chairman of the National Caretaker Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Ahmed Makarfi, following his meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari alongside the national chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief John Odigie-Oyegun.

Oba Akanbi said Makarfi’s attendance was a sign of the bright future for Nigerian politics, just as he described Senator Makarfi as a patriotic leader who played politics of understanding rather than that of bitterness.

The traditional ruler regretted what he called divisive politics with which, he alleged that an average Nigerian politician was known, urging for a radical change of attitude in the interest of the electorate and the nation as a whole.

He said it was high time blackmail and other destructive tendencies were stopped by politicians so that they could focus on delivering dividends of democracy to the electorate.

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As a responsible monarch, the Oluwo said, he should support politicians who showed genuine commitment to the cause of the masses, regardless of party affiliations.

“What Senator Makarfi has done is a demonstration of good leadership, an attitude which I want all our politicians to emulate for the sake of the country. We need to change our ways for the better, tolerate one another, understand our strength and weaknesses and work for the greater interest of the Nation. What we need now is political maturity that will help in building this country. It is political maturity that made the countries our children run to today what they are,” he said.

The Oluwo also urged the traditional rulers and citizens to always pray for political leaders because, he said, doing so would guide them in serving the public instead of self-interest.

Oba Akanbi expressed his gratitude to all traditional rulers and religious leaders including politicians who attended the special interdenominational service he organized for President Buhari in his palace, saying he would always pray for the success of the administration.


Gani Adams 

A pan-Yoruba group, the Oodua People’s Congress, has called on leaders and stakeholders in the southern part of the country to caution the Niger Delta Agitators over its threat of eviction of the Yoruba people resident in the region.

The OPC warned that the backlash of such move might not be palatable.

The NDA was widely reported in the media earlier in the week to have threatened to evict the Yoruba from the Niger Delta region.

Calling for caution over the threat, the OPC in a statement issued on Friday, said it “could deflate the robust relationship between the South-West and South-South.”

In a statement by its National Coordinator, Otunba Gani Adams, the OPC said the threat issued by the NDA’s leader, John Duku, was the second of such in recent time, hence a call to southern leaders andstakeholders to caution the group.

“We know that the position of the militants may not reflect that of their leaders. There is a needfor them to speak out against the move of the group,” the OPC said.

The group also condemned what it called the “emerging systematic war against freedom of speech in the country and an indirect clampdown on the media” by agencies of the Federal Government, warning that Nigeria should not be dragged back into the military era.

However, Duku has now said that the militants may withdraw its quit notice issued to northerners and Yoruba living in the area.

He said on Friday that the group was still consulting andwould likely issue a statement after the meeting of the various militant leaders on Saturday (today) or Sunday.

Describing the northern youths’ withdrawal of their quit notice to Igbo people living in the North as a welcome development, Duku, said, “If majority say we should withdraw, we will. We have our demands; there are demands which the government has not done any of them.”


Seyi Gesinde
From right – Buhari 

Top on the Google search engine this week are rumors of Funke Akindele’s pregnancy during a hosting gig, President Muhammadu Buhari’s speech after his return from London medical vacation and the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) result.
The issues dominated searches on the internet via Google search engine this week, the organisation has announced.

Mr Taiwo Kola-Ogunlade, Google’s spokesman, who disclosed this in a statement on Friday, August 25, 2017, said on the list of top trending search terms on Google this week range from JAMB news, Buhari Speech, Funke Akindele pregnancy and Chelsea vs Tottenham.

The Google Trends launched in May, 2006, allows one to see how popular, search terms and its demography have been over time on Google.

“Nollywood actress Akindele sparked rumors of her pregnancy last weekend during a hosting gig.

“The Jenifa’s Diary star was photographed rocking a loose denim dungarees dress and sneakers as she chatted up fans during the event in Festac town, Lagos.

“This comes months after Funke’s husband, Abdul Rasheed Bello, a.k.a JJC, debunked rumours of her being pregnant with twins.

“Without waiting for the couple to officially announce the pregnancy, excited fans took to Google to search, download and repost pictures of the actress, with congratulatory messages,” Kola-Ogunlade said.

According to Kola-Ogunlade, anyone who studied in Nigeria would understand the ongoing anticipation around the JAMB results, which were recently released for 2017/2018 admissions to universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria.

The eagerness to know which university they were eligible to apply to,according to Kola-Ogunlade, “got students visiting Google search for information.”

“Citizens that missed the president’s broadcasted speech went to Google to search for the transcript,” he said.

Kola-Ogunlade said that the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari speech after his return back to the country after three months of medical leave in the United Kingdom got people’s attention online.

Also, Kola-Ogunlade said that in the world of sports, Chelsea and Tottenham meeting on Aug. 20 in Tottenham’s first Premier League game at their temporary home, Wembley Stadium got people searching online.

“The match ended in a 2-1 win for Chelsea, which leaves both clubs at a total of 3 points each in the Premier League.

“Football fans searches Google for the latest Premier League results,” Kola-Ogunlade said.

In Kogi State also, on Aug 22 that the Kogi State Commissioner for Health, Mr Saka Audu reported an outbreak of gastroenteritis in the state, got people searching for the issue on Google, Kola-Ogunlade said.

He said that 62-people were reported to have died from the disease, of which Kogi State had stated that they were transferring affect patients to the Specialist Hospital, Lokoja for specialist treatment.

Kola-Ogunlade said that concerned Nigerians went to Google search to find out more information about the killer disease and how to prevent it.



Samson Folarin with agency report

A 72-year-old retired cab driver, Angela Nwachukwu, has lamented the denial of visa to her Owerri, Imo State-based husband, CJ Nwachukwu.

Angela said she was frustrated because since her marriage to CJ in April 2015, she had only been able to see him two times.

The pensioner, who is based in Dorchester, Dorset, has three children aged 50, 47 and 43, with many grandchildren.

She has also been married twice and recently disengaged from a 16-year relationship.

In an interview with a United Kingdom-based tabloid, The SUN, she said she met CJ on Facebook after the computer engineer sent her a message, complimenting her profile photo.

She noted that after chatting for three months, the 27-year-old asked for her hand in marriage and she agreed to marry him, adding that her trip to Nigeria for their wedding in 2015 was their first time of meeting face to face.

The grandma, however, lamented that since the marriage was consummated, CJ had been denied visa three times, saying she had spent over £20,000 visiting him and trying to get him into the UK.

She said, “CJ is the most caring man any woman would want to be with.

“He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I know in my heart we belong together, and we won’t stop fighting until we can be together as husband and wife. We won’t let this break us.

“After the wedding, I found it hard leaving CJ. I knew I’d see him again soon, but my family visa application was rejected.

“I was so determined to get him a visa that I hired lawyers to fight for us. I’ve since visited him twice.

“We’ve spent a combined £20,000, trying to see each other. I’ve used my savings and he has gradually paid me back half.”

Angela had been single for six months following a 16-year relationship when she was contacted out of the blue by CJ.

She said, “After my relationship ended, I felt lonely. After being single for six months, I saw a gorgeous young man had sent me a friend request on Facebook.

“I did wonder why he added me, but I accepted and he sent me a message telling me how lovely my profile photo was.

“He was handsome, with big, brown eyes, and a body to match. I didn’t see the harm in striking up a conversation with him.

“We chatted for hours about our families and hobbies. It was like we’d known each other for years. Before I knew it, we were messaging daily.

“The only problem was that he was 45 years younger and lived 4,000 miles away in Nigeria.”

She said her first son, Malcolm, after hearing about CJ became worried, thinking she had fallen to a scam.

She added that after the 50-year-old ran a check on him on Facebook, he became convinced that he was genuine.

After messaging each other in February 2015, CJ was said to have proposed over Skype, as his 72-year-old lover agreed.

“He was beaming at me with such a big smile on his face. Knowing I made him that happy was all the reassurance I needed. There was such an amazing chemistry between us,” she added.

Angela said she was afraid that CJ might not like her when he finally get to see her in person, adding that her fear turned out to be unreal as her lover hugged and kissed her at the airport.

She described the wedding as the “happiest day of my life.”

“I felt so lucky – but it was bittersweet, because I knew I had to go back to England,” she added.

Angela, however, said she was shocked when her visa application for CJ was rejected on the grounds that they didn’t have enough financial backing because she was retired.

She lamented that other attempts were also rebuffed by the immigration officials, as CJ was further denied a tourist visa.

“I’d waited so long for true love – and now I’d finally found it, it was being kept from me.

“I know there are scam marriages and they get hold of older people like me, but they find out if you have money first.

“I told CJ from the beginning I haven’t any money. But he told me, ‘It’s you I want’.

“I know what goes on and that’s why I was upfront. I have helped CJ financially, but he has always paid me back,” she added.

Since the marriage, Angela has visited her husband in Nigeria twice – in March 2016 for three weeks, and another three weeks in January 2017.

She hopes to be permanently united with him in 2018 when she believes he will travel on a student visa for his master’s degree in computing.


In Facebook Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday took a swipe at the move by the President Muhammadu Buhari administration to curb hate speech.

The ex-leader shared a picture of a quote he made on Facebook in 2014.

The post read in part, “I am the most abused and insulted President in the world but when I leave office, you will all remember me for the total ‘freedom’ you enjoyed under me.”

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo had said last week that thenceforth, the Federal Government would treat hate speech as terrorism, while the military said it would be monitoring comments on social media to tackle anti-government and anti-security views.

Jonathan’s re-post had elicited 3,190 comments from his over two million followers as of 8pm.



AUGUST 21, 2017.


My dear citizens,
I am very grateful to God and to all Nigerians for their prayers. I am pleased to be back on home soil among my brothers and sisters.
2.     In the course of my stay in the United Kingdom, I have been kept in daily touch with events at home. Nigerians are robust and lively in discussing their affairs, but I was distressed to notice that some of the comments, especially on social media, have crossed our national red lines by daring to question our collective existence as a nation. This is a step too far.
 3.     In 2003 after I joined partisan politics, the late Chief Emeka Ojukwu came and stayed as my guest in my hometown Daura. Over two days we discussed in great depth till late into the night and analyzed the problems of Nigeria. We both came to the conclusion that the country must remain one and united.
4.     Nigeria’s unity is settled and not negotiable. We shall not allow irresponsible elements to start trouble and when things get bad they run away and saddle others with the responsibility of bringing back order, if necessary with their blood.
5.     Every Nigerian has the right to live and pursue his business anywhere in Nigeria without let or hindrance.
  6.    I believe the very vast majority of Nigerians share this view.
  7.     This is not to deny that there are legitimate concerns. Every group has a grievance. But the beauty and attraction of a federation is that it allows different groups to air their grievances and work out a mode of co-existence.
8.     The National Assembly and the National Council of State are the legitimate and appropriate bodies for national discourse.
9.     The national consensus is that, it is better to live together than to live apart.
10.   Furthermore, I am charging the Security Agencies not to let the successes achieved in the last 18 months be a sign to relax.
11.     Terrorists and criminals must be fought and destroyed relentlessly so that the majority of us can live in peace and safety.
 12.     Therefore we are going to reinforce and reinvigorate the fight not only against,   elements of Boko Haram which are attempting a new series of attacks on soft target,   kidnappings, farmers versus herdsmen clashes,  in addition to ethnic violence fuelled by political mischief makers. We shall tackle them all.
13.   Finally, dear Nigerians, our collective interest now is to eschew petty differences and come together to face common challenges of;  economic security,  political evolution and integration  as well as lasting peace among all Nigerians.

14.     I remain resolutely committed to ensuring that these goals are achieved and maintained. I am so glad to be home.
15.    Thank you and may God bless our dear Nation.


President Muhammadu Buhari has finally arrived Abuja after over 100 days’ stay in London, United Kingdom, where he had been receiving medical attention since May 7.

The presidential aircraft that conveyed the President landed at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, at about 4.35pm.

The President disembarked from the aircraft, NAF 001, at about 4.48pm.

He was received by top government officials led by the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo.

The President, decked in a brown kaftan, mounted the rostrum and took the national salute before the men of the Brigades of Guard.

He did not inspect the Guard of Honour mounted for him before proceeding to the presidential lodge with dignitaries who were on hand to receive him.

The airport was at a standstill as workers made frantic efforts to get a glimpse of him.


Parents have been urged to support the idea of early adoption of sex education to reduce cases of rape among children. 

The advice was given during the 2017 family week seminar organised by the Lagos State Chapter of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), held at the Combo Hall of Lagos Television (LTV8) Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos, recently. 

In her lectured titled, “Appropriateness of Sexuality Education in our Schools,’’ the guest lecturer at the event, who is the Country Director of IPAS Nigeria, Barrister Hauwa Shekarau, said that adolescents need adequate information, in order not to fall prey to various consequences of unprotected sex. 

“Comprehensive sexuality education is not a taboo,’’ she said. 

Shekarau noted that defilement made children grow up to become timid adults and therefore urged schools to carry parents along in the preparation of Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE). 

She said, “Young people should be able to acquire sex education the appropriate way. “If you don’t tell them the right things, they will get the information, whether right or wrong, elsewhere,’’ she said. 

She said that parents would not be there when youths have to make decisions about having sex and as such, should be given appropriate education. 

Also speaking, the Lagos Chairperson of NAWOJ, Hajia Sekinah Lawal, urged parents to give their children the needed information regarding sex education. “Most parents usually shy away from providing detailed information to help adolescents make appropriate choices, when confronted with the issue of sex. Gone are those days when mothers will just tell their girls that they will get pregnant if a man touches them without giving them the right information,” she said. 

Also speaking at the event, the Vice President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LCCI, Yeye Adenike Shobajo, commended Lagos NAWOJ for their efforts and advised women journalists to in addition to being the best in their professional calling, have the spirit of entrepreneurship and be the best in the home front. 

Lagos State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Steve Ayorinde, who was represented by Director of Press and Public Relations in the Ministry of Information and Strategy, Mrs. Toro Oladapo, said “a breastfeeding mother must be supported financially, emotionally and should be well-fed, so that the breast milk can flow well’’. 

Hajia Lawal, Lagos Council Chairperson of NAWOJ, recalled that in 2016, the association created awareness on domestic violence, but the scourge was still on and needed more attention. 

“Just some weeks back, acid was poured on a lady in Isolo. It can happen to anybody. There should be a law restricting the sale of acid in the country, to stem its reckless usage,” she said. She concluded that people must speak out when they are being abused in any form while we should all be our neighbours’ keeper. “As women media professionals, we are also calling on the Federal Government to ensure the quick passage of laws to ensure better salary package for media practitioners both in the public and private sectors as well as stop the idea of owing journalists salaries for months so that they will be able to truly discharge their duties as the watchdog of the society.” 

“It is when journalists are financially-independent and okay that they will be able to discharge their duties without fear or favour.”


A chieftain of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Ebenezer Babatope, on Wednesday beat the drum for the party’s erstwhile National Vice-Chairman (South), Chief Olabode George, as the national chairman.

Babatope told a news conference in Lagos that George was the “best man” that could pilot the affairs of the party “to a new and glorious beginning.”

The former Minister of Transport said George was a loyal, tested and a responsible party man and that he had the credentials to return the party to winning ways in 2019.

He said although the position had not been zoned to a particular area of the country, “it is only right and fair that the South-West to produce the chairman since it has not produced any since 1999.

“I stand here today in historic significance to testify to the truth and to affirm the righteous path.


“Our party, the PDP was in power for 16 years of unbroken democratic governance. In this particularisation, every zone had enjoyed the helsmanship of our party leadership except the South-West.

“This is troubling, this is not fair, this is unacceptable,” Babatope said.

Babatope said he was leading a mobilisation support team for George based on his conviction and other southwest leaders in the ability of the party chieftain to lead the PDP.

Babatope, who described George as morally upright, noted that his conviction for corruption had been nullified by the Supreme Court which described his conviction as a “frame up”.

He called on party members in the zone to bury their hatchet and support the aspiration of George.

Former chairmen of the party in Ogun and Lagos State, Chief Joju Folarin and retired Capt. Tunji Shelle, also spoke in support of George for the chairmanship race, saying he has the track record.