It was a moment of history and excellence as member of the fourth realm of the estate gathered together at the anniversary lecture /award night  in Abuja recently,   to celebrate sixty two years of hardworking and dedication to the course of development and one Nigeria.

At 62, Nigerians Union of JOURNALISTS (NUJ)   have  contribute immensely to the development of our great country,  in terms of advocacy role, watchdog and information dissemination to the public.

Below are faces at event.

Relate ethics of online journalism to the understanding of media law



The primary function of a journalist is to disseminate objective, balance and fair information to general public, be it traditional or online also refers to as the new media.

In carrying out of this duty, they are rules of engagement which involves, verification of event, publication of  fact, use of simple language, clarity , accuracy, balance, fair etc. Journalist (Tradition and online) should understand the qualities and element of news as stated above. A defense of justification will not hold where a defamatory statement is either a report, an opinion or a rumor. A journalist should always check his fact very well before presenting his report to the public.

However, Headline and title, can be defamation. The plea of justification will not also hold where a body of story is true in substance and fact, but headline or title with which the story was reported may be libelous; to this, the evidence that the story is true will not be sufficient to safe the reporter. Headline is a complete independent word that form the body of a story. Journalist most be careful with headline.

Old Media vs New Media

The old media are those that present their content in a single platform; radio or television or print. New media on the other hands take advantage of technology to present content in multiplatform formed eg. Blog, Website, Facebook etc.

Both traditional and online journalism are guided with what is refers to as ethics, for instance the cyber crimes (prohibition, prevention etc) Act, 2015 laws of the federation of Nigeria 1999 – 2016 Enactment –Act 21 (1) Any person who knowingly or intentionally send a message or other matter by means of computer system or network that (b) he knows to be false, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal, intimidation, enmity, hatred ill will or needless anxiety to another or cause such a message to be sent; commits an offence under this Act… in essence one need to be careful of what you copy and paste on online platform. One of the purpose of law or ethnic is to regulate the practice of the profession. The media, both old and new media are regulated, because of the peculiar nature of the medium as vehicles for free expression, which is a fundamental human right, government is careful to regulate the media only to the extent consistent with the expectation of democratic society.

Still on the old vs the new media the new media (online journalism) is loaded with all sorts of instruction both useful and useless.  Obeying the rules of engagement (Ethics) of the profession that make the difference between a junk journalist and a professional- both traditional(tv,radio and print) and online reporter(blog, website etc).

Media law vs Ethics of Online Journalism

Plagianism, an online journalist must understand that pasting other people works without their permission is wrong, the copy right law only gives an author or other originator of an intellectual production whereby he is invested with the sole and exclusive privilege of reproducing and selling copies of his work. However, the essence of the law of copyright is to protect intellectual property from being reproduced and sold by unauthorized person. In the case,  you are using anyone’s work, the source need to be credited

Another, rule of engagement (Ethnics) is the disclosure, in the traditional media ,  disclosure of source of news is not encourage; this is to prevent the whistle blower, but in new media reverse is the caase. Also on gratification like gift or brown envelope are not allowed in course of news courage or news reporting. Punch newspaper  in the second page of its paper stated boldly that gratification is not allowed or their reporter should not be given any form of gift, the essence of this is to a balance their reportage.

To this end, verification and truth can  prevent a label suit or defamation… what separate journalism from propaganda, fiction or just because someone else said it or to break a news is the verification and truth about a story. Moreover, when a story is not verified  on the bases of truth may lead to defamation or an injurious publication .The law of demotion; it is concern with injury or damages to reputation resulting to injurious publication. It is essentially to protect and vindicate the character or the defame person. (to build edge of protection around a person). Verification can set one free.

Another variable of online journalism ethic. Is honesty, this will go along way in news presentation. if honest is to be considered in news coverage or writing a story for both old and new media that medium will earn her respect in the industry. Because an honest reporter will always do justice to news reporting, the element of bias or taking one side will not come up.

In conclusion, I will agree to Joann Byrd (2007) point of view that both old and new media should strike a balance, in credible, fair, balance, accurate reportage  , and for  both to remain more relevant in this competitive information market; it is advisable they adhere to the ethics otherwise the media law.


FAQ:- According to Wikipedia explained that the term FAQ are listed questions and answered; all supposed to be commonly asked in some context and pertaining to a particular topic. Eg commonly used on email mailing list and other online platform. FAQ is an acronym for frequently asked questions. The term became more frequently used to refer, to the list and a text consisting of questions and their answers, regardless of whether the questions are actually frequently asked, if they are asked as all, or if there is even anyway of asking question.

It is like a call centre to a phone or gsm network provider, where instructions are be given.

It is an online way of answering common questions likely to ask by people on a particular issues, product or service.

Take for instance, you are applying for a visa via online platform of a particular country, you don’t have to visit the office of the embassy, all the answer to the technical and common questions to obtain the visa are clearly stated on the FAQ page. This process is also applicable to other services online. FAQ pages aim to make finding answers easy for users. The idea FAQ page helps people use the website without the need for outside assistance, unfortunately this ideal is not realized.


1. Questions aren’t frequently asked – where you have no users yet.
2. The questions are from left field – question that never enter one’s mind.
3. The page label isn’t intuitive:- for better understanding it is good to the acronym be spelled fully.
4. The FAQ page Isn’t really needed.
5. How to design an effective FAQ page. A good FAQ page lightens the load on help desks and customer –support call, which translated to cost saving.
6. Gather the right questions provide a good entry point.
7. Readability – FAQ pages are generally text based, so readability is important.
8. Categorization of questions: name the categories intuitively to avoid further contusion.


1. Put the question and answer in one separate pages.
2. Keep the page as short as possible, make sure each question and answer pair is valuable.
3. For the sake of readability, distinguish question from answer by colour, size, typeface or decoration.


To our own reliable and inspiration, Thickpeople rejoice with you has you add another feather to your cap. We celebrate people who see a million opportunities where others don’t, and has you obtained your Doctorate degree.we celebrate your guest for knowledge Dr. QASIM AKINRETI. CONGRATULATIONS SIR AND MORE GRACE TO YOUR ELBOW 



IMG_20170425_193803Thickpeople joins the world to celebrate the world malaria day, today,April 25.the world will only overcome this, if we all come together to the needful – cleaning of our environment.

Malaria is a serious disease that is preventable and treatable

Malaria is caused by plasmodium parasites. Humans get infected through mosquito bites.

Pregnant women are at high  risk of dying from complications of severe malaria.

97 countries had ongoing malaria transmission in 2015.

3.2billion people are at risk of malaria worldwide.

Every 2 minutes a child dies from malaria in Sub Saharan Africa.

10,000 travellers are reported to become ill with malaria after returning home.

Symptoms – fever, sweating, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.

Do not ignore symptoms, go straight to the doctor.

Seven countries have been certified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as having eliminated malaria, they are – United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Maldives, Sari Lanka and Kyrgyzstan. IMG_20170425_193803


United Nations secretary general’s former special adviser on post 2015 development planning, Amina Muhammed  has identified lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goal, (MDGs) plan.

According to her, with the MDGs it only addressed the symptoms and not the root cause of such development challenges as a gender inequality, lack of access to clean water and the insufficiencies of health services.

She explained that,  in achieving such project, people most be carried along, create partnerships and find investments to execute the plans. Money is very important at the implementation stage, and that’s why we were always running after the money, she added. IMG_20170423_151438

Amina was heavily involved in planning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a new development agenda for the next 15 years, adopted by 193 countries.


1492947912710-508621963The young talented, new generation music star, TEKNO’S has be flown to America for medical check up. His illness as been described as not life threatening.

In chat with a daily newspaper, his manager Obi  Franklin said that the singer would be back on his feet soon.

He explained that Tekno exhausted his energy during a show which took place during  the Easter celebration.

The singer disclosed in his post that for about a month he has been battling with acid reflux which is a chronic disease that occur when stomach acid or bile flow into the food pipe and irritates the lining.


14928780050661754372445Born in lagos state to the family of late Mr Ogidan and late Mrs Salamutu  Sanni.My dream was to be a military officer,  but as destiny will have it, I find  myself in the media industry where I have build a profile for myself. To be a media owner and contribute to the development of my country. Where I get comfort is my home. Married to a beautiful and ever supporting wife, I have three kids, Praise, Feyisara and Fekayo.  My philosophy is  love other people, giving  and free from trouble. Love is the solution of the world.